Emma Wiktors beim Partner Pferd Junior Cup in Leipzig

Emma Wiktors at the Partner Pferde Junior Cup in Leipzig


mma Wiktor is a name worth remembering. At the Partner Horse Junior Cup show jumping tournament in Leipzig she overshadowed the competition with her impressive performance. As a newly crowned winner of a silver ribbon, Emma is now ready for the next challenges. 

Emma is a rider who likes to push herself beyond her limits and get the best out of every situation. She is always willing to learn and try new things and improve herself. Her ability to stand under pressure and still deliver a strong performance was unmatched at this tournament. Although there were many strong competitors, Emma was able to hold her own in the end in fifth place. Emma demonstrated incredible precision and elegance with every jumping element. She had a good feeling for the right rhythm and therefore mastered every jump cleanly. Her timing and ambition were also impressive. Her concentration seemed breathtaking - she didn't let the competition distract her from her goal. 

Emma Wiktors at the Partner Pferde Junior Cup in Leipzig

Emma Wiktor showed impressive performance at the Partner Horse Junior Cup show jumping tournament in Leipzig last week. The student from Trent (Island of Rügen) came in an excellent fifth place overall.

Emma has worked hard on herself in the last few weeks and trained for many hours. Her coach helped her prepare mentally and physically for the competition. She was very proud of her performance and was happy that she managed to finish in fifth place. 

Emma Wiktors & Vivienne Schuldt at the Partner Pferde Junior Cup in Leipzig

Conclusion: Emma is a talented rider with great ambition and perseverance who will certainly celebrate many more successes in the future! 

Emma Wiktors & Linea Makowei for Mecklenburg Vorpommern at the Partner Pferde Junior Cup in Leipzig


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